Parish Groups
Together protecting our community
The Catholic Churches of Guernsey are committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults. Creating a protective and supportive environment where all people, especially those who may be vulnerable, are able to worship and enjoy their faith safely.

Artwork by Geraldine Higgs
We follow the Diocese of Portsmouth’s procedures, but we also have our own local Safeguarding Representatives on the island. If you have any Safeguarding concerns about a child or adult please telephone in Confidence the following:
TEL : (01481) 701398
MOB : 07781 467591
Police Public Protection Unit
Tel : (01481) 725111
Available 24 Hours
Duty Social Worker
Tel : (01481) 723182 9am-5pm
Or Out of Hours Tel : (01481) 725241
ask for Duty Social Worker