The Messenger 7th February 2025

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Car Park Arrangements at St Josephs
Car Park Arrangements at St Josephs

The Church has now entered into a lease arrangement with Queen’s Road Medical Practice (QRMP) whereby they will be renting a designated 10 tandem spaces at the rear of the church car park at La Couperderie during the week (7:00am-7:00pm) and on Saturday mornings until 1:00pm. The agreement allows persons attending services or functions at St Joseph’s Church to park motor vehicles within the designated parking spaces at QRMP only on Saturday after 1:00pm and Sunday, Good Friday and Christmas Eve after 6:00pm or Christmas Day, provided that at no time may such persons make any use of any area of land that is not a designated parking space. Please note that the church now rents all the parking spaces along the West Wall of the car park from Monday to Saturday – the entire left hand side as you enter the car park through the arch.

The Holy Spirit Prayer Group - 10th Feb - 7:00pm - St Joseph’s Parish Room
The Holy Spirit Prayer Group – 10th Feb – 7:00pm – St Joseph’s Parish Room

The Holy Spirit Prayer Group will be meeting on Monday 10th February at 7:30pm in St Joseph’s Parish Room for praise, prayer and Bible sharing.

Tea/Coffee available from 7:00pm.

Everyone is welcome.

UCM Meeting - 11th Feb - 7:00pm - St Josephs Parish Room
UCM Meeting – 11th Feb – 7:00pm – St Josephs Parish Room

The UCM meet on Tuesday 11th February at 7:00pm in the St Josephs Parish Room for the Annual General Meeting

A raffle will also be held.

Coffee Morning
Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning on Wednesday 12th February in St Joseph’s Parish Room and on every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.

Drop in any time between 9:30am-11:30am for coffee, cake & a chat.

Everyone is welcome!

Mothers Prayers - 14th Feb - 10:30am
Mothers Prayers – 14th Feb – 10:30am

Mothers Prayers meet on Friday 14th February at 11:00am (Tea/coffee from 10:30am).

Venue Christine’s House. / 01481 259995  /

St Valentine’s Tea Party - 15th Feb - 2:30pm-4:30pm - Blanchelande College Hall
St Valentine’s Tea Party – 15th Feb – 2:30pm-4:30pm – Blanchelande College Hall

The Parish Befrienders and Blanchelande College are hosting a St Valentine’s Tea Party on Saturday 15th February from 2:30pm to 4:30pm in the school hall for senior parishioners who would enjoy a chance to catch up with old friends. The students are providing delicious refreshments as well as the chance to see some scenes from ‘Oliver’ the musical that they are rehearsing.

If you would like to come, or know someone who would, please contact Angela on 07781 112 221 or Meg on 252401 as soon as possible. Lifts can be arranged.

Diary Dates
Diary Dates

The World Day of Prayer

The World Day of Prayer (Formerly Women’s World Day of Prayer) this year is on Friday 7th March.

Afternoon service at 2:00pm at Forest Methodist Church / Evening service at 7:00pm at Salvation Army, L’Islet.

St Patricks Parish Social Event

St Patricks Parish Social Event on Saturday 15th March in St Mary & St Michael School Hall following the 6:00pm Mass.

All are welcome!


Throughout a Jubilee year the church offers the faithful the possibility of receiving the gift of a plenary indulgence, a remission of temporal punishment due to sins applicable either to themselves or those who have died. A Plenary indulgence is an opportunity for us to receive the mercy of the Lord, to draw closer to God and experience the joy of forgiveness

In order to obtain a plenary indulgence, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
· The penitent must visit one of the shrine churches (St Joseph’s is a shrine church)
· Receive Sacramental confession and Holy Communion
· They must also pray for the intentions of the pope and make a profession of faith by praying the creed

A plenary indulgence may be obtained once a day. At the same time, the pilgrim must exclude all attachment to sin, including venial sin. These conditions must all be completed within several days of the shrine visit.

Prayers - Peoples of the Middle East & Peace of Jerusalem - 2nd Feb
Prayers – Peoples of the Middle East & Peace of Jerusalem – 2nd Feb

Prayers for all the peoples of the Middle East and the peace of Jerusalem on Sunday 2nd February.

Contact Maud for time & venue.

Memorial of St Blaise - 3rd Feb
Memorial of St Blaise – 3rd Feb

St Blaise is the patron saint of sore throats, and one of the most popular saints of all time. A mother came to the Bishop, asking him to cure her son, who was choking on the fishbone, stuck in his throat. The Bishop saved the boy with his prayer and with the sign of the cross. On this day, many people receive a blessing of the throat. Two blessed candles (unlit!) are tied or held together in the form of a St Andrew’s cross and applied to the throat, as the priest pronounces a special invocation to St Blaise, asking him to protect the individual from diseases of the throat.