The Messenger 21st February 2025

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Parish Groups

Creighton Model Fertility System

Looking to achieve, space or avoid pregnancy naturally?

The parish now has its own fertility care practitioner! The Creighton Model Fertility System is a ground-breaking, 99.5% effective and authentic method of natural family planning fully in harmony with Catholic teaching. Creighton helps couples both achieve, space and avoid pregnancies, enlightening women (and men!) about their fertility along the way.

Creighton can also overcome unexplained infertility, recurrent miscarriage and male factor infertility. For single women, engaged and married couples, the parish has enabled instruction to be offered for FREE to all Catholic parishioners in Guernsey, with full client confidentiality guaranteed.

For information please contact Maria O’Brien – Tel: 07781 168234 / E-mail: