Do you attend the 8:00am Mass regularly and have room in your car to give a parishioner living in the Brock Rd area of town a lift to Mass?
If you are able please call Deacon Mark – 07781416176
Serving the Parish of Our Lady and the Saints of Guernsey
Do you attend the 8:00am Mass regularly and have room in your car to give a parishioner living in the Brock Rd area of town a lift to Mass?
If you are able please call Deacon Mark – 07781416176
Le Platon results of the December draw –
1st – 44 – £100
2nd – 36 – £50
3rd – 69 – £25
Tony & Marian Falla, as representatives of Wayaya, wish to thank Linda Fermont for her terrific support in making all the delicious preserves.
The ‘jam sales’ at St Josephs and Delancey raised just over £700 and we are truly grateful for everyone’s generous support.
The money raised will go towards the visit of the Children from Zambia later this year.
If you would like to donate by card we now have DONA machines in each of our Churches. Machines are located in the church porch and in the parish office. For example: donations can be made for first and second Sunday collections; Candles; Repository purchases and for Mass Offerings etc.
Please select the option you want and then the amount you wish to donate. If you require assistance using the machine then please ask any member of the parish team who will be happy to help you. Thank you for your continued support of the parish.
Mass Schedules During January
Due to clergy holidays and extra travel* in January please take note of the daily and weekend Mass times.
4 Sunday Masses on 18th/19th & 25th/26th January
Canon Chris and Canon Hetherington will be travelling to Jersey *16/17 January to attend the Memorial Service for Mgr Nicholas France on 16th January.
The Offerings at the Cribs are for Christian Communities in the Holy Land via the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. The KHS is widely believed to date back to 1099 A.D., to the first crusade. For centuries their mission has been to support the Christian community in the Holy Land. Today, made up of 30,000 members from 40 countries, lay people, priests and religious, they financially support Christians in the Middle East, and, above all, pray for them. They fund many works that support the Christians living in the Holy Land, thus ensuring that they survive and that the holy sites are still populated by Christians and do not become museums. The Knights do everything they can to help with practical projects to stabilise Christian communities. The key partner for the KHS in the Holy Land is the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and through the Patriarchate, they fund-raise to maintain schools, formation, charitable and social activities. The need to help this year is hugely urgent, thanks to the war in the Holy Land. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Canon Christopher and Fr Inna thank you all very much indeed for the cards and gifts received and for your Christmas offerings.
Special thanks to ALL our Altar servers and ALL those who helped prepare the Churches for Christmas including the cleaners, musicians, choirs, welcomers, flower arrangers etc. Every one of you is most highly valued!
Coffee Morning on Wednesdays 8th & 22nd January in St Joseph’s Parish Room.
Drop in any time between 9:30am-11:30am for coffee, cake & a chat.
Everyone is welcome!
The Holy Spirit Prayer Group will meet on Mondays 6th & 13th January at 7:30pm in St Joseph’s Parish Room.
Tea/Coffee from 7:00pm.
The Sacramental Preparation Parent Meeting will be held on Thursday 9th January at 7:00pm in St Joseph’s School Hall.
The programme will be introduced and parents can purchase their child’s work books (£10 each).
Classes will begin weekend of 11th/12th January.