The Messenger 21st February 2025

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Jubilee Pilgrimage To Lourdes - 7th-11th July
Jubilee Pilgrimage To Lourdes – 7th-11th July

In this Jubilee year of hope please join me on our Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes from 7th to 11th July when we can carry the flame of hope in procession with our sick brothers and sisters; sing the song of hope in the language of every nation gathered; and pray to Mary, the Way of Hope.

Lourdes holds a special affection in the hearts of many across the Diocese and our annual pilgrimage is a wonderful opportunity to experience faith, fun and friendship.

I very much hope that you will consider joining me, Bishop Philip, and our fellow pilgrims.

Bookings please either telephone 07780 221686 or pick up an application form from the Parish Office.

Rosary - Beatification of Edel Quinn - 23rd Feb - 2:55pm - St Joseph’s Parish Room
Rosary – Beatification of Edel Quinn – 23rd Feb – 2:55pm – St Joseph’s Parish Room

Rosary for the beatification of Edel Quinn (Legion of Mary) will take place on Sunday 23rd February at 2:55pm in St Joseph’s Parish Room.

Car Park Closure
Car Park Closure

La Couperderie car park will be closed on Monday 24th February from 8:30am-1:00pm for work to take place to fill in potholes.

The Holy Spirit Prayer Group - ‘Adoration’ - 24th Feb - 7:30pm-9:00pm - St Joseph’s Parish Room
The Holy Spirit Prayer Group – ‘Adoration’ – 24th Feb – 7:30pm-9:00pm – St Joseph’s Parish Room

The Holy Spirit Prayer Group will be having an evening of ‘Adoration’ on Monday 24th February from 7:30pm-9:00pm and also on the last Monday of every month.

This will include some hymns followed by silent ‘Adoration’. Prayer ministry will be available for anyone who would like individual prayer.

This will take place in St Joseph’s Parish Room. Tea/Coffee will be available from 7:00pm.

Everyone is welcome, whether or not you normally come to the prayer group.

Parking Spaces - St Josephs
Parking Spaces – St Josephs

St Joseph’s congregation please note that there are 6 spaces in the Queen’s Road Medical Practice car park directly next to the bike shed/plant room that are to be kept free for their tenants.

They are clearly signposted, so please don’t park in them. Thank you.

Rota - Readers - St Josephs Church 
Rota – Readers – St Josephs Church 

The rota for the period 9th March to 22nd June 2025 will be available in the Sacristy. It can also be checked on the Parish website.

Thank You - Parish Befrienders
Thank You – Parish Befrienders

Thank you to everyone, members of the Parish and the staff and students of Blanchelande College who helped to give our older parishioners a very happy afternoon last Saturday. The welcome given by staff and students created a relaxed atmosphere in which people could enjoy the company of old friends they may not have seen since the last tea party and also an opportunity to meet with our priests. As well as a delicious tea the entertainment provided by the children with the dress rehearsal of their production of the musical ‘Oliver’ was a special delight. It was brilliant and with such talent on display left such a good feeling of Hope in the future, so fitting and needed in this ‘Year of Hope’.

Lenten Talks - St Josephs Church
Lenten Talks – St Josephs Church

Lent is very much a time of reflection. With this in mind and following on from the success of last year’s Lenten programme, we will once again be a hosting a series of Lenten talks suitable for people of all Christian faiths. Each talk will be held in St Joseph’s Church starting at 7:00pm and concluding at 8:00pm. The dates, speakers and topics are as follows.

March 6th – Deacon Mark: ‘In Search of Holiness.’

March 13th – Mary Herve: ‘What Is That in Your Hand’ breaking the cycle of crime and living transformed lives.

April 3rd – Rev Adrian Datta: ‘Death – An Inconvenient Reality?’

April 10th – Well-known author, broadcaster and speaker – Abbot Christopher Jamison: ‘Holy Week; Saving the Future’

Do make every effort to come along

CAFODS Big Lent Walk
CAFODS Big Lent Walk


You are invited to join CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk and journey together with Catholics in England, Wales and Scotland as Pilgrims of Hope in this Jubilee Year – walking 200km over 40 days during Lent. Every £1 you raise will support communities like Lokho’s in Kenya, experiencing the worst impact of the climate crisis, to rebuild their lives in hope.

Sign up here: https:/


Our CAFOD volunteer, Yve Roze, is taking on the Big Lent Walk in Guernsey. If you would like to sponsor her and support CAFOD please use the following link –


Sunday 16 February 2025

Bishop Paul McAleenan, the Bishops’ Conference Lead Bishop for Migrants and Refugees, has released a message for this year’s Racial Justice Sunday:

“2025 is a very special year. It marks both a Year of Jubilee and the 30th anniversary of Racial Justice Sunday – a day in England and Wales to reflect on Racial Justice, pray for it and consider how we can ensure all God’s people are treated equally and with respect. This is also a Year of Jubilee – a time to put things right, especially our relationship with God, with each other and with the earth. In 2025, we are called to be Pilgrims of Hope. It is an ideal time to think more deeply about racial justice in our schools, in our parishes and in our community, our society.”

You can read the rest of the message on the Portsmouth Diocese ENews.