Lent is very much a time of reflection. With this in mind and following on from the success of last year’s Lenten programme, we will once again be a hosting a series of Lenten talks suitable for people of all Christian faiths. Each talk will be held in St Joseph’s Church starting at 7:00pm and concluding at 8:00pm. The dates, speakers and topics are as follows.
March 6th – Deacon Mark: ‘In Search of Holiness.’
March 13th – Mary Herve: ‘What Is That in Your Hand’ breaking the cycle of crime and living transformed lives.
April 3rd – Rev Adrian Datta: ‘Death – An Inconvenient Reality?’
April 10th – Well-known author, broadcaster and speaker – Abbot Christopher Jamison: ‘Holy Week; Saving the Future’
Do make every effort to come along