Changes have been made to the Disclosure and Barring Services Update Service (DBS), to which many volunteers already subscribe. To keep DBS Certificates up to date the Update Service are sending emails to volunteers 30 days before their certificates are due for renewal, dates are based on your joining date. This email will ask volunteers to access their Update Service Account and confirm. ln preparation for this change DBS advises volunteers to check that the email address a ached to their subscription is the correct email address. For those who confirm, this request will be repeated annually. If no confirmation is made, their volunteer subscription will automatically be cancelled. Volunteers who do not renew their subscription will not be able to keep their DBS certificate(s) up to date and organisations will not be able to check them. They will need to reapply for a DBS as per a new applicant if they need one in the future. It is the policy of the Catholic Church to renew DBS checks every 3 years, this is a separate requirement to that of the DBS in renewing the Update Service subscription on an annual basis. Please do check your emails as they may automatically go into your junk or Scam mailbox. Your DBS Certificate is personal to you, so if you have a query you can ring the DBS on 0300 020 0190 or enquires to Click for Update Service. Thank you.