The Messenger 21st February 2025

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Diary Dates

Diary Dates

The World Day of Prayer

The World Day of Prayer (Formerly Women’s World Day of Prayer) this year is on Friday 7th March.

The service has been put together by the women of the Cook Islands, there will be two opportunities to attend this ecumenical service –

An afternoon service at 2:00pm at Forest Methodist Church / Evening service at 7:00pm at Salvation Army, L’Islet.

Refreshments will be served after both services.

Pre-Lenten Gathering 

Pre-Lenten gathering with refreshments and nibbles on Sunday 2nd March following the 6:00pm Mass at Notre Dame.

All in the parish are Welcome.

St Patricks Parish Social Event

St Patricks Parish Social Event on Saturday 15th March in St Mary & St Michael School Hall following the 6:00pm Mass.

All are welcome!