The Messenger 21st March 2025

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Diary Dates

Diary Dates

ERNIE’S ANGELS – Christmas Sale – Sunday 24th November in St Joseph’s Parish Room after the 8:00am & 10:30am Mass. Gifts and Christmas crafts will be on sale.

WAYAYA Charity Jam Sale In aid of WAYAYA – Sunday 24th November in St Joseph’s Parish Room after the 8:00am & 10.30am Mass. The proceeds from the Jam sales will go to supporting Children in Zambia

ST MARY & ST MICHAEL SCHOOL ADVENT BAZAAR – Friday 29th November 3:30pm-5:30pm. Santa’s grotto, Crafts, games, stalls, tombola, bean jar, mince pies and liqueur coffees, plenty to do & see. Monies raised will fund new sports kit for tournaments.