The Messenger 18th October 2024

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CAFOD Big Lent Walk

CAFOD Big Lent Walk

During Lent, Notre Dame du Rosaire Catholic Primary school are helping support our global neighbours who live in poverty by once again taking part in the CAFOD Big Lent Walk. As a school, we’re raising money by aiming to walk 40,952 miles during Lent. This distance represents us walking from Guernsey, around the world visiting the 27 amazing countries our pupils and families come from and finishing back in Guernsey. Every mile we walk will represent 4 miles on the map. To achieve this, we are encouraging the children and staff to walk as much as they can during Lent and to record their walks and the distances travelled which we will then add to our whole school total.

This roughly equates to 40 miles per child during lent and within the first week, we have walked around the British Isles, been to Portugal, Madeira and are halfway to Venezuela! Our Laudato Si pupil group have spoken on Radio Guernsey about our efforts and the recording can be found here: and is 1 hour and 40 minutes into the programme – 1:40:34

Can you help us by also walking 40 miles in 40 days?