The Messenger 13th September 2024

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Laudato Si

Laudato Si

The Laudato Si group have registered for our Parish for the CAFOD Live Simply Award and they need everyone’s help to achieve this. The award is gained by completing several targets which involve living simply (e.g. more time in prayer and with God), living sustainably and living in solidarity with the poor. The Lihou pilgrimage and the Big Lent Walk are just two examples of how we have already achieved some of these targets together.

This Lent we would like you all to make a personal pledge to live more sustainably. This could be to walk to work instead or using the car or taking unused items to a charity shop. Paper and pens will be provided in the porch of each church for you to write your pledge on before placing it on the tree which will be on display. We would also like the Parish as a whole to say the CAFOD Live Simply prayer, in Mass, in school and at home. Living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the poor is truly our faith in action.

‘Live simply, so that others may simply live’

Compassionate and loving God,
you created the world for us all to share,
a world of beauty and plenty.
Create in us a desire to live simply,
so that our lives may reflect your
Creator God,
You gave us responsibility for the earth,
a world of riches and delight.
Create in us a desire to live sustainably,
so that those who follow after us
may enjoy the fruits of your creation.
God of peace and justice,
You give us the capacity to change,
to bring about a world that mirrors your
Create in us a desire to act in solidarity,
so that the pillars of injustice crumble
and those now crushed are set free.