Ampthill House, Cordier Hill, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1JH Telephone Number: 01481 720196 Office hours: 9.30am—1.30pm weekdays. Email: Secretary: Mrs Yvonne Priaulx Assistant Secretary: Mrs Elaine McKay
Safeguarding Officer
Bridget Cowens:
(01481) 701398 : 07781 467591
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Tom Saddington Tel: 07781 129310 Email:
Personal data held by the Parish and the Diocese of Portsmouth is processed in accordance with the Diocese’s Privacy Notice which can be obtained from or a paper copy may be obtained from the Parish Office (contact details above).
The Sixth form are fundraising for a charity trip to Nepal in the summer where we plan to work with Pahar Trust to help suffering communities in the Himalayas.
We will be hosting a quiz night on Saturday 29th March at 6:30pm. This will be at Blanchelande De La Salle Hall.
The tickets will be £90 for a team of 6, this will also include dinner. There will also be a cash bar and raffle.
If interested please contact –
We have many groups in the parish that you can be part of; The Holy Spirit Prayer Group, Legion of Mary, Laudato Si Group, Mothers Prayer group, The UCM, The Catenian Association, Rosary at the Centre for Peace, Befrienders group, Youth Group and The Church Music Groups. Please do make every effort to come along to one.
Jesus Said “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them”
Pupils and staff at St Mary & St Michael will be putting their best foot forward for charity as they take part in the CAFOD Big Lent Walk on Wednesday 9th April. If you’d like to support our efforts, please use the link below, pop into school with your donation or send a cheque – we would be so grateful. Thank you in anticipation of your support!
Our CAFOD volunteer, Yve Roze, is taking on the Big Lent Walk in Guernsey. If you would like to sponsor her and support CAFOD please use the following link –
During Lent we are supporting CAFOD to help support our global neighbours who live in poverty. In this Year of Jubilee, the Pope has asked us all to try and take part in a pilgrimage. So during Lent, we’re aiming to walk 800 miles per class. This distance represents the children and staff walking from Guernsey to Rome and we hope that the children will all be able to walk to Rome and arrive at the Holy Door by Lent! We are learning lots about pilgrimages, Rome and the Vatican as well as raising money and getting fitter too! The children are able to do their walking during school time by walking around the playground or with families at home. Towards the end of term, the whole school will be making a pilgrimage to Les Cotils. We celebrate the distances walked at the end of every week. To donate towards this very worthy cause, please send your contribution to school during Lent or follow this link to donate online –
Confirmation Preparation continues this week for young people in Year 8 and above who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in summer 2026. Choose from either Tuesday (Delancey) or Wednesday (St Joseph’s) from 6:30pm–8:30pm, or Thursday lunchtime (Blanchelande College).
This is the last week that new people can join.
Session 4: Why would I want a relationship with God?
Tue 11th Mar @ Delancey or Wed 12th Mar @ St Joseph’s or Thurs 13th Mar @ Blanchelande College
Changes have been made to the Disclosure and Barring Services Update Service (DBS), to which many volunteers already subscribe. To keep DBS Certificates up to date the Update Service are sending emails to volunteers 30 days before their certificates are due for renewal, dates are based on your joining date. This email will ask volunteers to access their Update Service Account and confirm. ln preparation for this change DBS advises volunteers to check that the email address a ached to their subscription is the correct email address. For those who confirm, this request will be repeated annually. If no confirmation is made, their volunteer subscription will automatically be cancelled. Volunteers who do not renew their subscription will not be able to keep their DBS certificate(s) up to date and organisations will not be able to check them. They will need to reapply for a DBS as per a new applicant if they need one in the future. It is the policy of the Catholic Church to renew DBS checks every 3 years, this is a separate requirement to that of the DBS in renewing the Update Service subscription on an annual basis. Please do check your emails as they may automatically go into your junk or Scam mailbox. Your DBS Certificate is personal to you, so if you have a query you can ring the DBS on 0300 020 0190 or enquires to Click for Update Service. Thank you.
Confirmation Preparation continues this week for young people in Year 8 and above who would like receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in summer 2026, or just want a chance to have real and open conversations about life, faith and purpose. Sessions are weekly and include food, fun, a short film and discussion in small groups. Choose from either Tuesday (Delancey) or Wednesday (St Joseph’s) from 6:30pm–8:30pm or Thursday lunchtime (Blanchelande College).
Come and see – there’s no pressure, and no commitment for the first few weeks. Watch the trailer at
Session 3: What does real love look like?
Tue 4th March @ Delancey -or- Wed 5th March @ St Joseph’s or Thurs 6th March @ Blanchelande College
Contact Tom – Tel: 07781 129310 / Email:
Curious about faith? Join a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. At each Alpha session, you’ll be hosted in a small group and watch an episode on a different question of faith – then you have a chance to share your thoughts and hear what others think. You can say anything you like, or nothing at all. Everyone’s welcome. You’re invited, no matter your background or beliefs. It’s free and there’s no pressure to come back.
Continues Tue 4th Mar @ Delancey or Wed 5th March @ St Joseph’s, both 6:30pm–8:30pm.
The World Day of Prayer (Formerly Women’s World Day of Prayer) is on Friday 7th March and this year the service has been prepared by the women of Taiwan. There are two opportunities to attend this ecumenical service – an afternoon service at Shiloh Church at 2:00pm and an evening service at St Andrew’s Parish Church at 7:00pm. Refreshments will be available afterwards and everyone is welcome.
In this Jubilee year of hope please join me on our Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes from 7th to 11th July when we can carry the flame of hope in procession with our sick brothers and sisters; sing the song of hope in the language of every nation gathered; and pray to Mary, the Way of Hope.
Lourdes holds a special affection in the hearts of many across the Diocese and our annual pilgrimage is a wonderful opportunity to experience faith, fun and friendship.
I very much hope that you will consider joining me, Bishop Philip, and our fellow pilgrims.
Bookings please either telephone 07780 221686 or pick up an application form from the Parish Office.
The Holy Spirit Prayer Group will be having an evening of ‘Adoration’ on Monday 24th February from 7:30pm-9:00pm and also on the last Monday of every month.
This will include some hymns followed by silent ‘Adoration’. Prayer ministry will be available for anyone who would like individual prayer.
This will take place in St Joseph’s Parish Room. Tea/Coffee will be available from 7:00pm.
Everyone is welcome, whether or not you normally come to the prayer group.
St Joseph’s congregation please note that there are 6 spaces in the Queen’s Road Medical Practice car park directly next to the bike shed/plant room that are to be kept free for their tenants.
They are clearly signposted, so please don’t park in them. Thank you.
Thank you to everyone, members of the Parish and the staff and students of Blanchelande College who helped to give our older parishioners a very happy afternoon last Saturday. The welcome given by staff and students created a relaxed atmosphere in which people could enjoy the company of old friends they may not have seen since the last tea party and also an opportunity to meet with our priests. As well as a delicious tea the entertainment provided by the children with the dress rehearsal of their production of the musical ‘Oliver’ was a special delight. It was brilliant and with such talent on display left such a good feeling of Hope in the future, so fitting and needed in this ‘Year of Hope’.
Lent is very much a time of reflection. With this in mind and following on from the success of last year’s Lenten programme, we will once again be a hosting a series of Lenten talks suitable for people of all Christian faiths. Each talk will be held in St Joseph’s Church starting at 7:00pm and concluding at 8:00pm. The dates, speakers and topics are as follows.
March 6th – Deacon Mark: ‘In Search of Holiness.’
March 13th – Mary Herve: ‘What Is That in Your Hand’ breaking the cycle of crime and living transformed lives.
April 3rd – Rev Adrian Datta: ‘Death – An Inconvenient Reality?’
April 10th – Well-known author, broadcaster and speaker – Abbot Christopher Jamison: ‘Holy Week; Saving the Future’
You are invited to join CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk and journey together with Catholics in England, Wales and Scotland as Pilgrims of Hope in this Jubilee Year – walking 200km over 40 days during Lent. Every £1 you raise will support communities like Lokho’s in Kenya, experiencing the worst impact of the climate crisis, to rebuild their lives in hope.
Sign up here: https:/
Our CAFOD volunteer, Yve Roze, is taking on the Big Lent Walk in Guernsey. If you would like to sponsor her and support CAFOD please use the following link –
Bishop Paul McAleenan, the Bishops’ Conference Lead Bishop for Migrants and Refugees, has released a message for this year’s Racial Justice Sunday:
“2025 is a very special year. It marks both a Year of Jubilee and the 30th anniversary of Racial Justice Sunday – a day in England and Wales to reflect on Racial Justice, pray for it and consider how we can ensure all God’s people are treated equally and with respect. This is also a Year of Jubilee – a time to put things right, especially our relationship with God, with each other and with the earth. In 2025, we are called to be Pilgrims of Hope. It is an ideal time to think more deeply about racial justice in our schools, in our parishes and in our community, our society.”
You can read the rest of the message on the Portsmouth Diocese ENews.
Confirmation Preparation continues after half term for young people in Year 8 and above who would like receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in summer 2026, or just want a chance to have real and open conversations about life, faith and purpose. Sessions are weekly and include food and fun, also a short film and discussion in small groups.
PARENTS and other adults are also invited to come to the sessions, if they are able, for discussion in their own Alpha small groups.
Choose from either Tuesday (at Delancey) or Wednesday (at St Joseph’s) from 6:30pm–8:30pm or Thursday lunchtime at Blanchelande College.
Come and see – there’s no pressure and no commitment for the first few weeks. Watch the trailer at
Session 3: What does real love look like?
Tue 4th March @ Delancey or Wed 5th March @ St Joseph’s or Thurs 6th March @ Blanchelande College
Contact Tom – Tel: 07781 129310 / Email:
Curious about faith? Join a series of group conversions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. At each Alpha session, you’ll be hosted in a small group and watch an episode on a different question of faith then you have a chance to share your thoughts and hear what others think. You can say anything you like, or nothing at all.
Everyone’s welcome. You’re invited, no matter your background or beliefs. It’s free and there’s no pressure to come back.
Continues Tue 4th Mar @ Delancey or Wed 5th March @ St Joseph’s both 6:30pm–8:30pm (you’re invited even if you missed the first two weeks)
The Church has now entered into a lease arrangement with Queen’s Road Medical Practice (QRMP) whereby they will be renting a designated 10 tandem spaces at the rear of the church car park at La Couperderie during the week (7:00am-7:00pm) and on Saturday mornings until 1:00pm. The agreement allows persons attending services or functions at St Joseph’s Church to park motor vehicles within the designated parking spaces at QRMP only on Saturday after 1:00pm and Sunday, Good Friday and Christmas Eve after 6:00pm or Christmas Day, provided that at no time may such persons make any use of any area of land that is not a designated parking space. Please note that the church now rents all the parking spaces along the West Wall of the car park from Monday to Saturday – the entire left hand side as you enter the car park through the arch.
The Parish Befrienders and Blanchelande College are hosting a St Valentine’s Tea Party on Saturday 15th February from 2:30pm to 4:30pm in the school hall for senior parishioners who would enjoy a chance to catch up with old friends. The students are providing delicious refreshments as well as the chance to see some scenes from ‘Oliver’ the musical that they are rehearsing.
If you would like to come, or know someone who would, please contact Angela on 07781 112 221 or Meg on 252401 as soon as possible. Lifts can be arranged.
Throughout a Jubilee year the church offers the faithful the possibility of receiving the gift of a plenary indulgence, a remission of temporal punishment due to sins applicable either to themselves or those who have died. A Plenary indulgence is an opportunity for us to receive the mercy of the Lord, to draw closer to God and experience the joy of forgiveness
In order to obtain a plenary indulgence, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
· The penitent must visit one of the shrine churches (St Joseph’s is a shrine church)
· Receive Sacramental confession and Holy Communion
· They must also pray for the intentions of the pope and make a profession of faith by praying the creed
A plenary indulgence may be obtained once a day. At the same time, the pilgrim must exclude all attachment to sin, including venial sin. These conditions must all be completed within several days of the shrine visit.
St Blaise is the patron saint of sore throats, and one of the most popular saints of all time. A mother came to the Bishop, asking him to cure her son, who was choking on the fishbone, stuck in his throat. The Bishop saved the boy with his prayer and with the sign of the cross. On this day, many people receive a blessing of the throat. Two blessed candles (unlit!) are tied or held together in the form of a St Andrew’s cross and applied to the throat, as the priest pronounces a special invocation to St Blaise, asking him to protect the individual from diseases of the throat.
The course starts next week for young people in Year 8 and above who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in summer 2026, or just want a chance to have real and open conversations about life, faith and purpose. Sessions are weekly and include food, fun, a short film and discussion in small groups.
PARENTS and other adults are also invited to come to the sessions, if they are able, for discussion in their own Alpha small groups.
Choose from either Tuesday (at Delancey) or Wednesday (at St Joseph’s) from 6:30pm–8:30pm, or Thursday lunchtime (at Blanchelande College).
Come and see – there’s no pressure, and no commitment for the first few weeks. Watch the trailer at
Session 1: Welcome to the Conversation
Tue 11th Feb @ Delancey or Wed 12th Feb @ St Joseph’s or Thurs 6th Feb @ Blanchelande
Contact Tom – Tel: 07781 129310 / Email:
Curious about faith? Join a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment.
At each Alpha session, you’ll be hosted in a small group and watch an episode on a different question of faith – then you have a chance to share your thoughts and hear what others think.
You can say anything you like, or nothing at all. Everyone’s welcome. You’re invited, no matter your background or beliefs. It’s free and there’s no pressure to come back.
Starts Tue 11th Feb @ Delancey or Wed 12th Feb @ St Joseph’s, both 6:30pm–8:30pm.
Open invitation to parishioners who may have known Jessie or are interested in attending the unveiling of the plaque on Tuesday 11th February at 10:30am outside Floraville, which is next door to Vauvert School. Jessie was a devout Catholic who regularly attended Mass and was known to many parishioners. She is being honoured for her life and outstanding legacy to Guernsey particularly in the field of special educational needs. She was the headteacher of Valnord School for children with moderate learning difficulties, and was instrumental in the development of the subsequent special needs schools in the Island.
Plan your purchases: Plan your weekly meals to make a supermarket shop less wasteful. Knowing exactly what you’re going to eat can prevent the need to throw out gone-off produce.
Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom. May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel. May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally. May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth. To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever. Amen.
Confirmation Preparation starts in February for young people in Year 8 and above who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in summer 2026, or just want a chance to have real and open conversations about life, faith and purpose. Sessions are weekly and include food, fun, short film and discussion in small groups. Choose from either Tuesday (Delancey) or Wednesday (St Joseph’s) 6:30pm-8:30pm or Thursday lunchtime (Blanchelande College).
Come and see – there’s no pressure and no commitment for the first few weeks. Watch the trailer at
Session 1: Welcome to the Conversation
Tue 11th Feb at Delancey
Wed 12th Feb at St Joseph’s
Thurs 6th Feb at Blanchelande
Contact Tom – Tel: 07781 129310 / Email:
Tips to help reduce plastic: Tackle one room at a time. Attempting to reduce plastic throughout the whole house at once is overwhelming and unmanageable. Instead address each room individually. The bathroom is a great place to start.
Tumaini Prayer Breakfast will take place on the last Saturday of each month, commencing 25th January at 9:00am at Les Adams Methodist Church – Perry’s Guide 20C1.
Please keep in your prayers Dr Susan Wilson who will be visiting the project in Tanzania at the end of January.
A Year of Hope: An Introduction to the Jubilee Year with CAFOD.
2025 is a Jubilee year, but what does that mean? Catholic talk show host and author Nana Churcher and CAFOD’s Simon Giarchi will be hosting Fr Jan Nowotnik (Director of Mission for the Bishop’s Conference), Christine Allen (CAFOD’s Director) and Kayode Akintola (CAFOD’s Head of Africa) and more for a lively start to the Jubilee.
With a special appearance by Catholic band Ooberfuse. Saturday 18th January from 10:30am-midday, online.
All welcome. Register here for free:
The Holy Spirit Prayer Group will be meeting on Monday 20th January at 7:30pm in St Magloire Parish Room, St Josephs for praise, prayer and Bible sharing.
The largest Catholic youth event in the UK is taking place at the OVO Arena, Wembley on Saturday 15th March 2025. Filled with inspiring speakers, incredible live music, prayer, adoration and young people from across England and Wales it’s an event like no other!
Young people in school Year 9 and above can join the Guernsey group; to find out more come along for FREE PIZZA on Friday 24th January at 6:30pm at Our Lady Star of the Sea.
For more info contact Tom – Tel: 07781 129310 / E-mail:
If you would like to donate by card we now have DONA machines in each of our Churches. Machines are located in the church porch and in the parish office. For example: donations can be made for first and second Sunday collections; Candles; Repository purchases and for Mass Offerings etc.
Please select the option you want and then the amount you wish to donate. If you require assistance using the machine then please ask any member of the parish team who will be happy to help you. Thank you for your continued support of the parish.
The Offerings at the Cribs are for Christian Communities in the Holy Land via the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. The KHS is widely believed to date back to 1099 A.D., to the first crusade. For centuries their mission has been to support the Christian community in the Holy Land. Today, made up of 30,000 members from 40 countries, lay people, priests and religious, they financially support Christians in the Middle East, and, above all, pray for them. They fund many works that support the Christians living in the Holy Land, thus ensuring that they survive and that the holy sites are still populated by Christians and do not become museums. The Knights do everything they can to help with practical projects to stabilise Christian communities. The key partner for the KHS in the Holy Land is the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and through the Patriarchate, they fund-raise to maintain schools, formation, charitable and social activities. The need to help this year is hugely urgent, thanks to the war in the Holy Land. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Canon Christopher and Fr Inna thank you all very much indeed for the cards and gifts received and for your Christmas offerings.
Special thanks to ALL our Altar servers and ALL those who helped prepare the Churches for Christmas including the cleaners, musicians, choirs, welcomers, flower arrangers etc. Every one of you is most highly valued!
Confirmation Preparation starts shortly for young people in Year 8 and above who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in summer 2026 or just want to explore more about their faith.
For more information or questions please contact Tom – E-mail / Tel: 07781 129310
This is the main opportunity for confessions, so please make every effort to attend in Preparation for Christmas.
5:00pm – St Joseph – Christmas Vigil Mass
6:30pm – OLSS – Christmas Carols
7:00pm – OLSS – Christmas Vigil Mass
8:40pm – St Joseph – Christmas Carols
9:00pm – St Joseph – Mass during the Night
8:00am – Notre Dame – Mass at Dawn
10:00am – OLSS – Mass during the Day
10:30am – St Joseph – Mass during the Day
(No Evening Mass)
Canon Christopher, Fr Inna and Deacon Mark along with Canon Hetherington wish you all a Happy and Holy Christmas.
Grateful thanks to all our wonderful volunteers who work throughout the year in many different roles in our community: catechists, keeping our churches clean, flower displays, organists, singers and instrumentalists, collectors, counters, welcomers, ushers, opening up our churches, preparation before and after Mass, preparing rotas, Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, visiting the sick and housebound. Hopefully no one has been missed. Every one of you is most highly valued!
All are welcome to join us for a DIY Nativity Service on Saturday 21st December at 3:00pm at Our Lady Star of the Sea followed by refreshments in the hall.
Children can come dressed up as stable animals, camels, shepherds and angels. We will also have costumes you can borrow (please come early to try these on).
Carol singing with our music group.
Contact Jennifer Langlois for further details – Email:
Children’s Festive Busking on Sunday 22nd December after 9:15am Mass in Our Lady Star of the Sea Hall.
Coffee with The Godly Play for Children run by Tom Saddington – soup lunch after.
The proceeds from the Jam sales will go to supporting Children in Zambia. Tony & Marian are hoping to bring the Children to Guernsey in Aug 2025 for a holiday.
Sunday 15th December in the Narthex of St Joseph’s Church after the 8:00am & 10:30am Mass (With Canon Chris’ permission).
Sunday 22nd December (supplies permitting!) in the Coffee Room at Our Lady Star of the Sea after 9:15am Mass.
The staff and pupils of Notre Dame du Rosaire and St Mary & St Michael School would like you to join them for a joint End of Term Christmas Mass on Monday 16th December at 10:00am in St Joseph’s.
Rotas for Church Cleaners at St Josephs for the period January to mid July 2025 will be available on the noticeboard, Sacristy folder and on the website.
Thank you to all who came along to the wonderful Christmas Parish Lunch held at Les Rocquettes Hotel and to all those who donated raffle prizes. £281 was raised for “Le Platon Home.” A special thank you to Eileen Baird for organising.
Thank you to all who supported this year’s advent service and assisted in so many ways. The readers, musicians and projectionist. Above all to all those parishioners who came along to commence our wait and preparation for Christmas.
A big thank you to all who so generously contributed delicious mince pies for our get together after the service not forgetting those who worked so hard to serve us. Coming together was greatly appreciated and very much enjoyed by all.
Please note this Monday (2nd December) the Holy Spirit Prayer Group, along with the parish community, will be attending the Advent service at 7:00pm at Delancey.
This will be instead of the normal prayer group meeting.
The proceeds from the Jam sales will go to supporting Children in Zambia. Tony & Marian are hoping to bring the Children to Guernsey in August 2025 for a holiday.
Sunday 8th December – After the 9:15am Mass – Our Lady Star of the Sea (Coffee Room)
Sunday 15th December – After the 8:00am & 10:30am Mass – St Joseph’s Church (Narthex) – With Canon Chris’ permission
Sunday 22nd December – After the 9:15am Mass – Our Lady Star of the Sea (Coffee Room) – If possible and supplies permitting!
We Thank all our Flower Helpers for taking the time to provide and display lovely flowers for our Church. As we now only have two flower ladies remaining on the rota we are desperately seeking flower helpers to assist with arranging flowers for our church services. No prior experience is necessary!
This is an opportunity for you to contribute to your church community through flower arranging. Please contact Helen – Tel: 01481 225020 / Email:
The Holy Spirit Prayer Group will be having an evening of ‘ADORATION’ on Monday 25th November from 7:30pm-9.00pm in St Joseph’s Parish Room.
There will be some hymns followed by silent ‘Adoration’. Prayer ministry will be available for anyone who would like individual prayer.
Tea/Coffee will be available from 7:00pm. Everyone is encouraged to join us and to take this opportunity to spend time in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
A sincere thank you to all those who donate items to the food bank containers held in our 3 churches and who continue to do so. The following items would be much appreciated as we support families this Christmas: Tubs & boxes of chocolates, Selection Boxes, Box of Christmas Biscuits, Crisps, Bottles of Shloer, Stuffing Mix & Gravy, Pickles, Tinned ham etc. Financial gifts are most welcome towards food or heating costs.
Please visit For bank details please visit Items are distributed between 2nd-23rd December. Thank you so much for your support.
The sale of The Real Advent Calendars will help provide care and support for mums and new babies in African villages supported by the Funzi and Bodo Trust. Please see the poster at back of Church for addresses of where to send for The Real Advent Calendar & Fairtrade goodies. Thank you for your support.
Due to a vacancy the Catholic Parish of Our Lady and the Saints of Guernsey is seeking an Assistant Parish Secretary to join our team, based at St Joseph’s, Ampthill House, Cordier Hill, St Peter Port. This is part time position 20 hours per week, usually worked over 3 days Salary: £17,680 per annum (£17.00 per hour).
If you are interested in this opportunity to contribute to parish life please request a full job description and details of how to apply by contacting the parish office
Further details are available on the church noticeboards and on the website. Closing date for applications: 6th December 2024.
ERNIE’S ANGELS Christmas Sale – Sunday 24th November – St Joseph’s Parish Room – After the 8:00am & 10:30am Mass – Gifts and Christmas crafts will be on sale.
WAYAYA Charity Jam Sale – In aid of WAYAYA – Sunday 24th November – St Joseph’s Parish Room – After the 8:00am & 10:30am Mass – The proceeds from the Jam sales will go to supporting Children in Zambia.
ST MARY & ST MICHAEL SCHOOL ADVENT BAZAAR – Friday 29th November – 3:30pm-5:30pm – Santa’s grotto, crafts, games, stalls, tombola, bean jar, mince pies and liqueur coffees, plenty to do & see. Monies raised will fund new sports kit for tournaments.
NOTRE DAME DU ROSAIRE CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL – The children and staff request the pleasure of your company at a special performance of our Infant Christmas play A Wriggly Nativity on Thursday 5th December at 1:30pm in St Joseph’s Hall – Followed by afternoon tea – Please RSVP to or on 222412.
BLANCHELANDE FUND RAISING FOR PAHAR TRUST (NEPAL) – Blanchelande students will be doing a charity trip to Nepal summer 2025 and will be working with the Pahar Trust who provide education and sanitation, to small communities that are underdeveloped in the Himalayas. The students will be hosting a wreath making workshop on Sunday 8th December from 2:00pm – 5:00pm at Blanchelande College, De la Salle Hall – Cost £45 that includes all the materials for the wreaths. Refreshments will also be on sale. If you would like to support this very worthwhile project please contact to help gauge how many.
Canon Chris will be celebrating Mass on Alderney as Fr Paul is unwell.
Mass times will be as follows:
6:00pm – Vigil Mass – Our Lady Star of the Sea
8:00am – Sunday Mass – St Joseph
10:30am – Sunday Mass – St Joseph
6:00pm – Sunday Mass – Notre Dame du Rosaire
Blanchelande Alumni Launch on Friday 22nd November from 2:00-4:00pm in De La Salle hall Blanchelande College.
If you are a past pupil of the College or Les Vauxbelets, from any site, please join us for our Blanchelande Alumni launch. There will be tours around the College, a chance to look at Blanchelande College memorabilia, afternoon tea and music. The Alumni team look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
Should you have any further questions please email
ERNIE’S ANGELS – Christmas Sale – Sunday 24th November in St Joseph’s Parish Room after the 8:00am & 10:30am Mass. Gifts and Christmas crafts will be on sale.
WAYAYA Charity Jam Sale In aid of WAYAYA – Sunday 24th November in St Joseph’s Parish Room after the 8:00am & 10.30am Mass. The proceeds from the Jam sales will go to supporting Children in Zambia
ST MARY & ST MICHAEL SCHOOL ADVENT BAZAAR – Friday 29th November 3:30pm-5:30pm. Santa’s grotto, Crafts, games, stalls, tombola, bean jar, mince pies and liqueur coffees, plenty to do & see. Monies raised will fund new sports kit for tournaments.
A concert given by the Parish Schola and guests on the eve of the feast of St Cecilia, patron saint of music on Thursday 21st November at 7:00pm in St Joseph’s.
Followed by cheese and wine. More details to follow.
LIFE CHANGING MINISTRY – An Ecumenical Event for Men & Women – Breakfast at Les Cotils on the 16th November, starts at 8:30am (£8.00) — Speaker Mr Hubertus Lau
ERNIE’S ANGELS – Christmas Sale on the 24th November at St. Joseph’s – Gifts and Christmas crafts will be on sale.
WAYAYA – Charity Jam Sale on the 24th November at St. Joseph’s – In aid of WAYAYA
The introduction on the new Lectionary by Fr Fyk will be screened Tuesday 19 November at 7:00pm in the Parish Room. Whilst it is principally aimed at those who read at Mass it will be of interest and informative for all parishioners.
Alternatively you can register to view the session in the comfort of your own home – copy & paste the following
In addition, Bishop Philip has commended the following three YouTube videos on the Lectionary from the Archdiocese of St Andrew’s and Edinburgh. The videos can be accessed via this
• Bishop Hugh Gilbert (Aberdeen) on “Introducing the English Standard Version”
• Fr Paul Denney on ”The New Lectionary”
• Fr Adrian Porter SJ on “Proclaim the Word in the Liturgy”
In November please pray each day for the holy souls in Purgatory, that is, our relatives, friends and benefactors who have died and those with no one to remember or pray for them.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen
May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen
Books of the Dead – Are opened in our three churches. Please add the name/s of your dearly departed loved ones, relations and friends if they aren’t already inscribed
Mass for the Dead – The Annual Mass for the Departed of the Parish and all those whose names are inscribed in the Books of the Dead will be held Saturday 16th November at 10:00am in St Joseph’s Church. All are very welcome to attend this Mass to remember their loved ones who have died.
WINGS collection on weekend Saturday/Sunday 17th and 18th November will be for both the DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal and the Daughters of Bethlehem Children’s Home in Bethlehem in the West Bank Appeal.
Please accept our heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed to our work this year, whether by financial donation, sponsoring families or supporting our appeal for toiletries. Your generosity at the Harvest Festival Service was incredible! This means we can now start preparing parcels for 2025! As you read this our driver will be about to start the long journey back to Guernsey, having delivered a load of clothing, bedding and several hundred Christmas gifts. Once again many thanks and may God bless you all. Wilf and Patricia Holland
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
especially those of you caring for the sick and the dying,
I write to you today because our country faces a lethal choice. I refer to the bill before Parliament to legalise what they call ‘assisted dying.’1 I prefer to call it what it is: assisted suicide, helping someone to kill themselves.
“Thou Shalt not Kill”2 is an instinctive principle written into every human heart. It grounds the laws that govern every civilised society on earth. It is the teaching of all major religions, and it is fundamental to Christian morality and Catholic social teaching. Yet now, campaigners such as Exit International, want to change this natural law to allow killing in certain circumstances,3 and they are conducting an intensive campaign in the media, highlighting sad cases and making emotional pitches.4 Yet if we yield to this and permit killing, we will cross a line from which there is no return. Like using nuclear weapons, once deployed, it’s too late; there’s only escalation.
Let me give you four plain reasons why assisted suicide and euthanasia is wrong. These four reasons will make appeal to reason, that is, to common sense.5 I will then add two more reasons that also appeal to faith, demonstrating why assisted suicide and euthanasia is gravely immoral and an offence against God.
The option of assisted suicide would put intolerable pressure on the most vulnerable, upon the sick, the elderly, the disabled, the dying. It would tempt them to feel they are an increasing burden and a financial drain on their family and others. They might start thinking “It would be best to die.” In other words, the right to die inescapably becomes a pressure to die and then a duty to die.6
To legalise assisted suicide would completely undermine palliative care and the work of care-homes. It could spell the end of hospices, since it would be cheaper, more efficient and far less trouble to kill someone – or to permit them to kill themselves – than to care for them and generously fund their care.
Assisted suicide would place an unacceptable and immoral demand on medical staff, expecting them to become accessories to killing.7 It would undermine the trust we normally place in doctors, making us suspicious of their motives. It would darken the atmosphere of medical wards that care for the elderly, and it would inexorably lead to euthanasia, the right to make another person die, when difficult cases need to be decided by consultants and relatives, or lawyers and the courts. No wonder this legislation is opposed by more than eight out of ten doctors and palliative care specialists.8 It’s easy to imagine a future in which doctors advise patients to seek suicide rather than treatment.
If the legislation is passed, even with the strictest limits for now, the thresholds of eligibility will keep creeping forward to cover ever more categories of persons such as the mentally ill, those with depression or dementia, the severely disabled, sick babies and so on.9 There are no limits, and fixed safeguards are unworkable. No government could guarantee that there will not be ‘mission-creep’. In fact, mission-creep is happening in every jurisdiction where it is legal. In Canada, for instance, 5% of deaths are now by lethal injection. In other words, suicide, free on the NHS, would in time become socially acceptable, normal.
So four plain reasons. I could give more.10 Let me now add two further reasons why as Catholics we believe assisted suicide and euthanasia is gravely sinful.11
Suicide is a grave offence against God, against neighbour and against self.12 Against God, Who in His love has given us the gift of our life and so life is not ours to dispose of.13 – Against neighbour, because it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with family and others to whom we have obligations. – Against self, because it contradicts “the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate” his or her life.14 Suicide is totally against the Law of Love.15
Suicide is gravely sinful, although the Church has always shown compassion to those who take their lives, relying on God’s mercy whilst wondering whether they were fully aware what they were doing. Yet when suicide is done with full knowledge and deliberate consent, as in an assisted suicide, it is clearly a mortal sin.16 Likewise assisting someone kill themselves is also a mortal sin. How would it be possible to offer them the Last Sacraments? What justification could a person make when, crossing into eternity after death, they meet the living God to give an account of their life – and their death?
Campaigners for assisted suicide argue persuasively. They say that people should have the right to make their own decisions about their lives, including when and how they die. Yet, civilised societies also have to balance personal freedom with public safety. This is why, for instance, our roads have speed limits.
They also argue that the terminally ill fear severe pain, the loss of dignity and poor quality of life; assisted suicide would offer a quick end to physical suffering and emotional distress. Yet, modern medicine means that no-one need die without dignity. It is true: frailty, pain and infirmity are a difficult trial. Yet, thanks be to God for the amazing advances medical science has made. Britain is a leader in palliative care with methods and drugs that have the capability to manage pain right to the end. Care is the answer, not suicide. We should continue investing in good palliative care. Care shews real love for the terminally ill, acknowledging their eternal value.17
Again, some argue that euthanasia for those with little hope of recovery would ease up the pressure on the health services. For instance, a politician in Guernsey has recently argued that “considerable savings could be realised” if assisted suicide were introduced.18 Yet, as this demonstrates, legalising assisted suicide and euthanasia only opens the door to abuse. If we love and care for someone, efficiency and cost-saving is irrelevant. How can helping someone to kill themselves be compassionate? This is evil masquerading as kindness.
Dear Diocese of Portsmouth, I am asking you to mobilise! Pray earnestly that our legislators will see sense. Correct those who use the double-speak of ‘assisted dying’; call it what it is: ‘assisted suicide.’ Don’t be seduced by the emotionalism of the media. Say a prayer for the terminally ill and for those who care for them. Speak out. Lobbying MPs works, so I attach a letter for you to send to your MP to ask him or her to vote against this sinister proposal. All you need do is to write your name and address on the top and put it in the post. Or you can download it from the diocesan website and send it by email.
In today’s Gospel the blind beggar cried “Son of David, Jesus, have pity on me”.19 That is our prayer too. To permit killing is wrong. It is to cross the line. It would be a shift of historic significance. It would be to capitulate to the very ideology Britain fought against in the Second World War.20 So we need to mobilise. We need to campaign, and I’ve provided you with materials to help. And we need to pray. Please attend Mass; please undertake fasting; please offer every day a Decade of the Rosary for God’s grace and mercy and for the demise of this bill.
3 Exit International was founded in Australia 1997 by Dr Philip Nitschke under the name the Voluntary Euthanasia Research Foundation (VERF). The organisation rebranded in 2001 as Exit International. Its founder has developed the “Sarco” pod, a capsule enabling a person to kill themselves. Like a gas chamber, when the user lies back and the lid is closed, s/he presses a button to activate it. Four litres of liquid nitrogen flood the cabin, causing the oxygen level to drop to less than 5% in under a minute. The user will at first feel a bit dizzy but then rapidly lose consciousness and die. See (October 2024) ↩︎︎
4 Well known here are the views of Dame Esther Rantzen, the journalist and BBC presenter: see for instance, ‘Esther Rantzen urges MP lobby over assisted dying’ (BBC 16th October 2024) on (October 2024) ↩︎︎
5 I am reminded here of something the Second Vatican Council said: “Whatever is opposed to life itself, such as any type of murder, genocide, abortion, euthanasia, or wilful self-destruction, whatever violates the integrity of the human person, such as mutilation, torments inflicted on body or mind, attempts to coerce the will itself; whatever insults human dignity, such as subhuman living conditions, arbitrary imprisonment, deportation, slavery, prostitution, the selling of women and children; as well as disgraceful working conditions, where people are treated as mere instruments of gain rather than as free and responsible persons; all these things and others like them are infamies indeed. They poison human society, and they do more harm to those who practise them than to those who suffer from the injury. Moreover, they are a supreme dishonour to the Creator” (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes, 27.) ↩︎︎
7 “Most people regard life as something sacred and hold that no one may dispose of it at will, but believers see in life something greater, namely, a gift of God’s love, which they are called upon to preserve and make fruitful… No one can make an attempt on the life of an innocent person without opposing God’s love for that person, without violating a fundamental right, and therefore without committing a crime of the utmost gravity” Sacred Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, Declaration on Euthanasia, (Vatican: 5th May 1980) ‘I. the Value of Human Life’: see www.vatican va. (October 2024) ↩︎︎
11 St. John Paul II gives an extensive treatment of assisted suicide and euthanasia in his Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae. See John Paul II Evangelium Vitae (London, CTS: 1995) 64-67: available online at (October 2024) ↩︎︎
12 See Catechism of the Catholic Church – henceforth CCC – (London, CTS: 2016) 2281 and 2325. ↩︎︎
13 “We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us” CCC 2280. ↩︎︎
15 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets” (Mt 22: 37-40) ↩︎︎
16 “Mortal sin is a radical possibility of human freedom, as is love itself. It results in the loss of charity and the privation of sanctifying grace, that is, of the state of grace. If it is not redeemed by repentance and God’s forgiveness, it causes exclusion from Christ’s kingdom and the eternal death of hell, for our freedom has the power to make choices for ever, with no turning back.” Even so, “although we can judge that an act is in itself a grave offense, we must entrust judgment of persons to the justice and mercy of God” CCC 1861. ↩︎︎
17 “Whatever you did to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me” (Mt 25: 40) ↩︎︎
20 In summer 1940, the Church in Germany became aware that the Nazi regime was quietly euthanatising sick and disabled people. Despite the grave personal risk such actions against the regime incurred, they resisted. Priests and bishops preached against it from the pulpit; people took to the streets in protest, and the Pope publicly condemned the policy: “This procedure is hailed by some as a manifestation of human progress, and as something that is entirely in accordance with the common good. Yet who that is possessed of sound judgment does not recognize that this not only violates the natural and the divine law written in the heart of every man, but that it outrages the noblest instincts of humanity?” (Pius XII Mystici Corporis Christi [Rome 1943] 94: available online at Our response today must be no less heroic and no less bold than that of the German church in the 1940s. We need to oppose this attack on the dignity of human life and on the lives of our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. We must consistently and forthrightly oppose it. ↩︎︎
A concert given by the Parish Schola and guests on the eve of the feast of St Cecilia, patron saint of music Thursday 21st November at 7:00pm in St Joseph’s.
Followed by cheese and wine. More details to follow.
Do you have any oddments of double knitting wool, any colour, hanging around the house that Guernsey Caring for Ex-Offenders could use in their Activity Centre for service users to make blankets for Tumaini and Ukraine.
Please place them in the Guernsey Welfare food donation basket. Thank you so much.
Are you a regular Reader at Mass? Or are you ever asked to read in Church? Then this session is for YOU! We are pleased to offer two sessions about the new lectionary. The new lectionary comes into use in Advent. Each session will be led by Fr. Anthony Fyk, Director of Liturgy and will be identical – so you need only attend one. The session will cover what the lectionary is, its revisions and what they mean for us. It is also an opportunity for Questions and Answers. If you wish to pose a question, please submit it in advance in writing to
The sessions will be screened in St Joseph’s Church on Tuesday 5th November and again on Tuesday 19th November at 7:00pm and will finish by 8:30pm.
If you are unable to join us in person you can register to join online by emailing –
The course starts in January for young people in Year 8 and above who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in summer 2026, or just want to explore more about their faith. We start with Alpha Youth, a newly filmed series which explores life, faith and meaning.
Each episode looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. It’s for anyone who has questions. Sessions are weekly and include food, fun, a short film and discussion in small groups.
Watch the first episode at and contact Tom for more information or to sign up – E-mail: / Tel: 07781 129310
The programme will commence on Sunday 12th January 2025 for all those children in Year 3 or above wishing to make their First Reconciliation and Communion.
First Communion day is Saturday 21st June.
Forms and information for parents whose children do not attend one of the Catholic Schools can be found in the churches this weekend.
Alternatively please make contact with the Parish Office.